Jason mccall
Handle: “All Star”
Hometown: Greenville, SC
+ What is your OST handle and why did you choose it?
All Star - My grandpa “Poppop” called me All Star because he thought I was really good at sport. The truth is that he was terrible at sport but also terribly kind to me! In his old age I began to call him All Star for how much he meant to me!! If we travel together ask me about the time he took me to Hawaii with his senior citizens group!
+ What did you want to be when you grew up?
Trash Man! How cool would it be to ride on the back of a truck all day?!
+ If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life what would it be?
Pizza, because it can include all the food groups!
+ What is your favorite cheesy love song?
"Everything I Do, I Do it for You" - Classic movie (Robin Hood) and classic song!