Palmer Primm

Handle: “Pao Pao”

Hometown: Cary, NC


+ What is your OST handle and why did you choose it?

This nickname came about while on a business trip to China. My Chinese coworkers bestowed me with the Pao Pao nickname (or Pao for short) mainly because the Chinese dialect can pronounce “Pao” much more easily than “Palmer”. Furthermore, Pao Pao translates to “bubbles”… which my coworkers quickly connected to my oftentimes bubbly persona. I have also found that the nickname suits me well in my love for Bubble Tea. If you’ve never had Bubble Tea let me know and we will make sure to get some on the next trip!

+ What did you want to be when you grew up?

My mom kept a book with my written record saying I wanted to work for GlaxoSmithKline when I grew up… which is the pharmaceutical company my Dad worked for.

+ If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life what would it be?

Easy… Tacos. If I can only eat one thing the rest of my life, I better be able to mix in some variety with what goes in the tacos.

+ What is your favorite cheesy love song?

Impossible… How can I pick just one? Here are some of my top hits.. “All Too Well (10 Minute Version)” by Taylor Swift, “How Will I Know” by Whitney Houston, “Bleeding Love” by Leona Lewis, “Love is an Open Door” from Frozen, “His Cheeseburger” from Veggie Tales