Maggie nolen

Handle: “Razzy”

Hometown: Flint, Michigan


+ What is your OST handle and why did you choose it?

Razzy- It’s my camp nickname that all the kids used to call me so it only feels right to translate it to Orange Sky! It's short for Raspberry because I love raspberry jelly a lot!

+ What did you want to be when you grew up?

The first female president of the United States.

+ If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life what would it be?

Gnocchi- it’s amazing and something I cook for my self all the time. It’s the perfect pasta!!

+ What is your favorite cheesy love song?

Not sure if "Dark Horse" by Katy Perry is a love song, but it was the first song I ever downloaded on my ipod and I can still rap the entire bridge!