Kyla WIebe

Handle: “Wiebe havin’ fun”

Hometown: Kalona, Iowa


**+ What is your OST handle and why did you choose it? **

My handle is Wiebe Havin’ Fun. I chose this handle because when I got married, my last name was always mispronounced. When I was pregnant, I had a lot of doctor visits and and when the nurse would call my name, she always mispronounced my name. I would correct her with the correct pronunciation and started saying my last name is pronounced Wiebe, like Wiebe having fun. Then just over the years I got used to saying this phrase whenever someone would mispronounce my name. Usually people remember usually it after I say it in this phrase!

+ What did you want to be when you grew up?

Teacher (and I ended up following that passion and have my Early Childhood license).

+ If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life what would it be?

Potatoes- I love all the different types of potatoes- mashed are my favorite!

+ What is your favorite cheesy love song?

L-O-V-E — From parent trap- I grew up watching this movie and now I enjoy watching it with my family!